

来源: 责任编辑:熊晖 发布:2021-11-25 点击量:












1998.9 - 2002.6mgm4858am美高梅集团生物技术专业,获得学士学位

2002.9 - 2006.12mgm4858am美高梅集团,获得博士学位


2012.4 - 至今:mgm4858am美高梅集团生命科学学院教授,博士生导师。

2007.3 2012.3:美国加州大学圣迭戈分校生物系博士后,研究科学家。








4,国家重点研发项目, 2016YFD0100604,主持,已结题



代表性研究论文 (*通讯作者,#并列一作)

  1. Guo H, Xiao C, Liu Q, Li R, Yan Z, Yao X, Hu H*. Two Arabidopsis galacturonosyltransferases function in plant growth, stomatal development, and stomatal dynamics. Plant Physiol, 2021, DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiab432

  2. Xiao C, Guo H, Tang J, Li J, Yao X, Hu H*. Expression Pattern and Functional Analyses of Arabidopsis Guard Cell-Enriched GDSL Lipases. Front Plant Sci. 2021, 21;12:748543.

  3. Tang J, Yang X, Xiao C, Li J, Chen Y, Li R, Li S, Lü S, Hu H*. GDSL lipase Occluded Stomatal Pore 1 is required for wax biosynthesis and stomatal cuticular ledge formation. New Phytol.2020, 228:1880-1896.

  4. You L, Zhang J, Li L, Xiao C, Feng X, Chen S, Guo L, Hu H*. Involvement of abscisic acid, ABI5, and PPC2 inplantacclimation to low CO2. J Exp Bot. 2020, 71(14): 4093-4108.

  5. Xu D, Liu Q, Chen G, Yan Z, Hu H*. Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ALDH3F1 involvement in flowering time regulation through histone acetylation modulation on FLC. J Integr Plant Biol.2020,62(8):1080-1092  

  6. Fu Y, Yang Y, Chen S, Ning N, Hu H*. Arabidopsis IAR4 modulates primary root growth under salt stress through ROS-mediated modulationof auxin distribution. Frontiers in Plant Sci. 2019, 10, 522  

  7. Du H, Huang F, Wu N, Li X, Hu H, Xiong L. Integrative regulation of drought escape through ABA dependent and independent pathways in Rice. Mol Plant, 2018, 11(4):584-597.

  8. Jakobson L#, Vaahtera L#, Tõldsepp K#, Nuhkat M#, Wang C, Wang YS, Hõrak H, Valk E, Pechter P, Sindarovska Y, Tang J, Xiao C, Xu Y, Gerst Talas U, García-Sosa AT, Kangasjärvi S, Maran U, Remm M, Roelfsema MR, Hu H, Kangasjärvi J, Loog M, Schroeder JI, Kollist H*, Brosché M*. Natural variation in Arabidopsis Cvi-0 accession reveals an important role of MPK12 in guard cell CO2 signaling. PLoS Biol. 2016, 14(12): e2000322

  9. Wang C#, Hu H#*, Qin X, Zeise B, Xu D, Rappel WJ, Boron WF, Schroeder J*. Reconstitution of CO2 regulation of SLAC1 anion channel and function of CO2-permeable PIP2;1 aquaporin as carbonic anhydrase 4 interactor. Plant Cell, 2016, 28(2): 568-582 (#co-first)  

  10. Hu H*, Rappel WJ, Occhipinti R, Ries A, Böhmer M, You L, Xiao C, Engineer CB, Boron WF, Schroeder JI*. Distinct Cellular Locations of Carbonic Anhydrases Mediate CO2 Control of Stomatal Movements. Plant Physiol. 2015, 169:1168–1178

  11. Engineer C, Ghassemian M, Anderson J, Peck S, Hu H, Schroeder JI. Carbonic anhydrases, EPF2 and a novel protease mediate CO2 control of stomatal development. Nature, 2014, 513: 246-250

  12. Hu H*, Xiong L*. Genetic engineering and breeding of drought- resistant crops. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2014, 65, 715-741

  13. Merilo E, Laanemets K, Hu H, Xue S, Jakobson L, Tulva I, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez P, Schroeder JI, Broschè M, and Kollist H. PYR/RCAR receptors contribute to ozone-, reduced air humidity-, darkness-, and CO2-induced stomatal regulation. Plant Physiol. 2013, 162(3): 1652–1668

  14. Brandt B, Brodsky DE, Xue S, Negi J, Iba K, Kangasjarvi J, Ghassemian M, Stephan AB, Hu H, and Schroeder JI. Reconstitution of abscisic acid activation of SLAC1 anion channel by CPK6 and OST1 kinases and branched ABI1 PP2C phosphatase action. ProcNatl Acad Sci. USA, 2012, 109:10593-10598  

  15. Xue S#, Hu H#, Ries A, Merilo E, Kolist H, and Schroeder JI. Central functions of bicarbonate in S-type anion channel activation and OST1 protein kinase in CO2 signal transduction in guard cells. EMBO J. 2011, 30, 1645-1658 (#co-first author)

  16. Hu H#, Boisson-Dernier A#, Israelsson-Nordstrom M#, Bohmer M, Xue S, Ries A, Godoski J, Kuhn JM, and Schroeder JI. Carbonic anhydrases are upstream regulators of CO2-controlled stomatal movements in guard cells. Nat Cell Biol. 2010, 12(1), 87-93 (cover paper) (#co-first author)

  17. Kim TH, # Bohmer M, # Hu H, Nishimura N, and Schroeder JI. Guard cell signal transduction network: advances in understanding abscisic acid, CO2, and Ca2+ signaling. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 2010, 61, 561-591 (# co-first author)

  18. Hu H, Dai M, Yao J, Xiao B, Li X, Zhang Q, Xiong L*. Overexpressing a NAM, ATAF, and CUC (NAC) transcription factor enhances drought resistance and salt tolerance in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA, 2006, 103: 12987-12992

  19. Hu H, You J, Fang Y, Zhu X, Qi Z, Zhang Q, Xiong L. Characterization of transcription factor gene SNAC2 conferring cold and dehydration tolerance in rice. Plant Mol Biol. 2008, 67: 169-181

  20. Hu H, Xiong L, Yang Y. Rice SERK1 gene positively regulates somatic embryogenesis of cultured cell and host defense response against fungal infection. Planta, 2005, 222(1): 107-117


    1. 《细胞生物学》课程思政的探索与思考(2021),在研,主持

    2. 《高级细胞生物学》课程思政示范课(2021),在研,主持

    3. 《细胞生物学》立项精品实践课程(2017)

    4. 湖北省教育厅的教改项目 “细胞生物学A”PPT优化与应用(2017)












    1.《aBIOTECH》和《植物生理学报》编委,《Frontier in Plant Science》客座编委。

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    3. 担任Science、PNAS、Plant Cell、Mol Plant、New Phytol、Plant J、Plant Biotech J、Plant Physiol等国际高水平杂志审稿专家。




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