博士 教授 博士生导师
(1) 2006-09 至 2010-06, mgm4858am美高梅集团, 生物科学, 学士
(2) 2010-09 至 2012-06, mgm4858am美高梅集团, 生物化学与分子生物学, 硕士
(3) 2012-09 至 2017-06, mgm4858am美高梅集团, 生物化学与分子生物学, 博士
(1) 2018-02 至 2019-11, mgm4858am美高梅集团 博士后
(2) 2019-11 至 2023-01, John Innes Centre 英国 博士后
(3) 2023-02 至 今, mgm4858am美高梅集团, mgm4858am美高梅集团, 教授
(1) European Commission, 人才项目, 101033109, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action grant, individual fellowships, 2021-04 至 2023-01, 42.5万欧元, 结题, 主持
(2) 人力资源和社会保障部、全国博士后管委会, 人才项目, BX20180115, 博士后创新人才支持计划, 2018-02 至 2019-11, 60万元, 结题, 主持
(1) Toby Buttress#, Shengbo He#, Liang Wang#, Shaoli Zhou#, Gerhard Saalbach, Martin Vickers, Guohong Li, Pilong Li, Xiaoqi Feng , Histone H2B.8 compacts flowering plant sperm through chromatin phase separation, Nature, 2022, 611(7936): 614-622
(2) Shaoli Zhou#, Xue Li#, Qian Liu, Yu Zhao, Wei Jiang, Anqi Wu, Dao-Xiu Zhou , DNA demethylases remodel DNA methylation in rice gametes and zygote and are required for reproduction, Molecular Plant, 2021, 14(9): 1569-1583
(3) Shaoli Zhou, Wei Jiang, Yu Zhao, Dao-Xiu Zhou , Single-cell three-dimensional genome structures of rice gametes and unicellular zygotes, Nature Plants, 2019, 5(8): 795-800
(4) Shaoli Zhou, Wei Jiang, Fei Long, Saifeng Cheng, Wenjing Yang, Yu Zhao, Dao-Xiu Zhou , Rice Homeodomain Protein WOX11 Recruits a Histone Acetyltransferase Complex to Establish Programs of Cell Proliferation of Crown Root Meristem, The Plant Cell, 2017, 29(5): 1088-1104
(5) Xiaoyun Liu#, Shaoli Zhou#, Wentao Wang, Yiran Ye, Yu Zhao, Qiutao Xu, Chao Zhou, Feng Tan, Saifeng Cheng, Dao-Xiu Zhou , A Regulation of Histone Methylation and Reprogramming of Gene Expression in the Rice Inflorescence Meristem, The Plant Cell, 2015, 27(5): 1428-1444
(6) Shaoli Zhou#, Xiaoyun Liu#, Chao Zhou#, Qiangwei Zhou, Yu Zhao, Guoliang Li, Dao-Xiu Zhou , Cooperation between the H3K27me3 Chromatin Mark and Non-CG Methylation in Epigenetic Regulation, Plant Physiology, 2016, 172(2): 1131-1141
(7) Wei Jiang#, Shaoli Zhou#, Qian Zhang, Huazhi Song, Dao-Xiu Zhou, Yu Zhao , Transcriptional regulatory network of WOX11 is involved in the control of crown root development, cytokinin signals, and redox in rice, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68(11): 2787-2798
(8) Yue Lu#, Feng Tan#, Yu Zhao, Shaoli Zhou, Xiangsong Chen, Yongfeng Hu, Dao-Xiu Zhou , A Chromodomain-Helicase-DNA-Binding Factor Functions in Chromatin Modification and Gene Regulation, Plant Physiology, 2020, 183(3): 1035-1046
(9) Wei Jiang, Shaoli Zhou, Honglin Huang, Huazhi Song, Qinglu Zhang, Yu Zhao , MERISTEM ACTIVITYLESS (MAL) is involved in root development through maintenance of meristem size in rice, Plant Molecular Biology, 2020, 104(4-5): 499-511
(10) Feng Tan#, Chao Zhou#, Qiangwei Zhou#, Shaoli Zhou, Wenjing Yang, Yu Zhao, Guoliang Li, Dao-Xiu Zhou , Analysis of Chromatin Regulators Reveals Specific Features of Rice DNA Methylation Pathways, Plant Physiology, 2016, 171(3): 2041-2054
(11) Yu Zhao#, Saifeng Cheng#, Yaling Song, Yulan Huang, Shaoli Zhou, Xiaoyun Liu, Dao-Xiu Zhou, The Interaction between Rice ERF3 and WOX11 Promotes Crown Root Development by Regulating Gene Expression Involved in Cytokinin Signaling, The Plant Cell, 2015, 27(9): 2469-2483
(12) Xiaoyun Liu, Chao Zhou, Yu Zhao, Shaoli Zhou, Wentao Wang, Dao-Xiu Zhou , The rice enhancer of zeste [E(z)] genes SDG711 and SDG718 are respectively involved in long day and short day signaling to mediate the accurate photoperiod control of flowering time, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5: 591-591
(13) Tiantian Li, Xiangsong Chen, Xiaochao Zhong, Yu Zhao, Xiaoyun Liu, Shaoli Zhou, Saifeng Cheng, Dao-Xiu Zhou , Jumonji C domain protein JMJ705-mediated removal of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation is involved in defense defense-related gene activation in rice, The Plant Cell, 2013, 25(11): 4725-4736